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Effective Ways to Get Competent Employees Through Campus Hiring

Effective Ways to Get Competent Employees Through Campus Hiring

Getting competent employees today can apparently be through a variety of ways and one of them is with campus hiring. This program can be one of the right solutions not only for companies but also for universities or colleges that hold it. Moreover, at present, the competition of diploma and bachelor graduates is getting higher but are not matched by the number of job vacancies available.

Understanding Campus Hiring

Campus Hiring itself is a collaboration program developed between universities and companies. Thus, when a company is in need of workers to fill certain positions in the company, the company will announce it to certain universities that have been invited to work together.

From the announcement, students will be able to see and then apply to the company. So the possibility of getting a job will also be higher than without using a campus hiring program.

Benefits of Campus Hiring

Campus hiring is not only beneficial for companies because it can get employees faster and more competently, but through this program, universities also benefit. The following are some of the advantages of procuring campus hiring events:

  1. For Companies
    The company will be able to get additional workers, namely qualified fresh graduates. That’s because usually, the value standards set by the company are higher than the assessment standards for job vacancies that are usually distributed in advertisements such as on social media. In addition, companies can focus on finding people who have the appropriate educational background. For example, looking for accountants at universities in the accounting faculty. That way, the worker will also be able to do a job desk better according to his abilities.
  1. For the University
    Gaining a reputation as an educational institution that can and is able to produce competent and quality graduates. The pride will certainly affect the quality and also marketing for the university to attract prospective new students.
  2. For Students
    Through the campus hiring pathway, students will be able to get jobs faster than if they did not use the program. Moreover, rivals to be accepted at the venue will be fewer, so opportunities will also be greater.

In addition, students can also demonstrate their abilities not only for companies but also for universities. This will add its own added value so that even if later out of the job, he will get its own benefits.

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